12 Days Of Christmas – Election 2008 – Video

Eine originelle Interpretation des Weihnachtsliedes „The Twelve Days of Christmas“ anlässlich der bevorstehenden Präsidentschaftswahl 2008 in den USA

[youtube _DA-M_OzB6Y]

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the liberals gave to me:

* Twelve senators failing (12 Democrats up for re-election in 2008)
* Eleven percent approval (Lowest rating ever)
* Ten paychecks burning (Because of Democrat record tax hike)
* Ninety thousand freezing (Amount of money found in Rep. William Jefferson’s (D-La.) freezer)
* No more secret ballots (Big Labor payback for union bosses)
* $700 billion in new spending (Paid for with the largest tax hike in history)
* Six troop funding cuts (Playing political theater with the safety and security of our nation and our troops)
* Hillary’s Woodstock Museum! (What better way to spend a million dollars?)
* Four bucks a gallon (Not a single energy bill passed to help lower gas prices)
* Al Franken ranting (Angry Hollywood liberal)
* Two liberal Udalls (Mark in Colorado and Tom in New Mexico)
* And a tax hike for every family! (Thanks Democrats)

If you thought our singing was bad . . .
Just wait until the Democrats get their hands on your paycheck next year.


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